
Showing posts from September, 2022

26 year male with pain abdomen and vomitings

  26 year old male with Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis  -  September 12, 2022  This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current based inputs. Patient is a 26 year male, car driver by occupation came to the casualty at 1am with complaints of :    pain abdomen since 1 day 4-5 episodes of vomitings History of presenting illness Patient was aymptomatic 6 months back. Then he developed pain abdomen not associated with vomitings not admitted to PE hospital. Subsided on taking medication (augmentin, Tramadol)  Now today at 1am the patient developed pain abdomen sudden in onset and associated with  2 episodes of vomitings which were bilious.  Had similar compl...

A 15 year male with burning micturition

  Case of phimosis September 06, 2022 A 15 year young male presented to the opd with chief complaints of  Difficulty in micturition associated with burning sensation. CHIEF COMPLAINTS :  Difficulty in micturition and burning sensation since 5 days. H/o low grade fever Not associated with chills and rigor lasted for4 days and decreased on medication. N/H/O SOB, chest pain and palpitation. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patients was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then he developed low grade fever which lasted for 5 days and on further investigation patient was found to have low Hb levels then after 4 days patient had developed difficulty in micturition and had burning micturition  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  N/C/O of DM, HTN, TB ,ASTHMA, CAD PERSONAL HISTORY Normal appetite , Vegetarian ,regular bowel movements , no addictions VITALS  Bp 130/70 mmHg  Pulse : 80 BPM Afebrile temperature. GENERAL EXAMINATION Pallor -present  No Cyanosis ,icterus,clubbin...