E blog

 115 Sai Charitha Reddy M

Myself Sai Charitha Reddy M , 3rd sem student This is the assignment given to me .

First case : A case of acute glomerulonephritis  , due to sec. amyloidosis due to chronic poorly treated seronegative erosive rheumatoid arthritis .

Completeness :   The E-log was complete in all factors . It included chief complaints , present history , past history , medical/surgical history , personal history , family history , social & educational history , immunization history .

           This elog had everything one could have asked for ; for a better understanding of the case and to treat in a better way .

Review on the case :

The case was beautifully presented in detail , which is almost closely knit with his details , which seemed like a story to me , like a step-to-step detailed explanation .

Evolution of symptomatology was described in a detail manner .

There was also a detailed explanation of the patient's acute and chronic problem .

General examination was done in a much detailed way ; in different positions with clear documentation .

Clinical images of the patient and investigations were added with deidentification .

 Systemic examination with detailed inspection , palpation , range of movements was explained .

Diagnostic approach and treatment was also well explained .

 Correctness : All the data provided in the E-log is correct .

👉 Second case : Idiopathic Parkinson's disease stage 1 with denovo HTN & multiple system atrophy - parkinsonian type ( MSA-P )

Completeness : The elog was complete . it included chief complaints , history of presenting illness , history of past illness , medical / surgical history , personal history , family history , social & education history , immunization history.

Review on the case:

The case was beautifully presented in detail , which is almost closely knit with his details , which seemed like a story to me , like a step-to-step detailed explanation .

Evolution of symptomatology was described in a detail manner 

CNS examination was described extremely well with all detailed documentation of reflexes etc.

Clinical images of the patient and investigations were added with deidentification .

 Correctness : All the data pirovided in the E-log is correct .

👉 Third case : Iatrogenic cushings syndrome secondary to topical clobetasol application all over the body for approx. 1 yr.

Completeness :  this elog was little incomplete acc. to me as it didn't include his past history , family history , treatment history , personal history .

Review on the case:

Evolution of current symptomatology was described beautifully .

De-identified clinical images in the presentation , showed us the condition of the pt. clearly .

His follow up details were also neatly documented .

 Correctness : All the data provided in the E-log is correct .


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